Saturday, January 3, 2009

Don't Pay For Cable....

I've watched episodes of The Office on-line when I've missed it on T.V. But never thought of watching everything on-line to avoid a bill. I like that idea!

This article lists links that offer cable/satellite shows on-line:


Tricia said...

We turned off cable tv a little over 2 years ago. We watch either on tv with rabbit ears or through the internet. I enjoy the fact that I have control about when I sit down and watch tv plus less commercials. We watch instant watch on netflixs. We have a cable that allows us to view it through our tv. The only issue is not every show is available on-line, but it is worth it.

Alicia said...

yeah, we have not had cable since when Superkid (five years) was born. we always do the online shows. even worse..we don't have internet! There are some open providers around us and a friend who put her password in ours and sometimes hers works for us too. It's not always a great connection but we remember the days of dial-up and we are fine. we do refrain from paying bills online though.
we have the same cable trish has but we usually cuddle up in bed for episodes. we share a netflix account with the same friend so we use her password for online viewing and watch all kinds of tv shows that way too. we just pay for half of it.
we watched the game yesterday at friends and the comercials reminded me how spoiled i am by watching online.
thanks for the will really help us.

Alicia said...

I could not find an email for you on facebook.
I have had to put the blog on private.
Please email me if you want an invite so you can keep coming by. my address is on my facebook info.
thanks, and sorry.