Saturday, March 21, 2009

Latest Quilt

Just wanted to post a picture of the quilt I finished. This pattern is called Pinapple Express. The blocks can be twisted around and give a completely different look with each twist.

Joyful, Joyful

Eden's biopsy results all came back normal! :) And she has gained over a pound! :)

The appetite stimulant medication is working, and the dr. also gave us a prescription to help her tummy heal faster. I think I've gotten rid of all things 'wheaty' in my kitchen and have been blessed enough to be able to replace most of those 'wheaty' items thanks to Kirstin's yard sale and an unexpected check. Isn't God wonderful?

In the meantime, I have been trying to keep busy so I won't worry so much and try to get caught up on all things I fell behind on around here during my surgeries. (It's quite embarrassing how behind I am in all things domestic, and otherwise.)

I actually finished my first quilt since Mary passed away (that felt REALLY good) and refinished an antique bookcase that belonged to my mom's mom. I've gotten most of the kitchen cabinets organized and hope to shampoo carpets next week. I've got a long list of 'stuff' to tackle, and I'm grateful to have the ability to do it! It feels great to use my feet!!! I've never been so happy to work.

Going to look for quilt pictures to post......

Friday, March 6, 2009

Eden, Of Course

We made it through our hospital stay yesterday. Everyone was so incredibly wonderful at the hopsital and the Lord gave Eden and I both great courage and joy through the entire process. (Seriously thanking Him for that.) We continued to recall Jesus' words to the apostles when their boat got caught in a mighty storm. We found it encouraging that Jesus didn't just say, "Do not be afraid", he said, "be of good cheer, do not be afraid". Isn't that lovely? I'm sure the apostles must have thought they might possibly drown!!! And Jesus tells them to be of good cheer!!! Why? Because nothing happens to us outside of God's plan. How could we NOT be of good cheer?

Eden did just fine through the anesthesia, although the drive home was a bit rough. She was throwing up blood on the way home and just felt nauseous. But by the end of the day she was back to her normal self.

The endoscopy showed irritation and inflamation at the end of her esophagus, just before it meets her tummy. The doctor biopsied that and the small intestine as well. The small intestine is where Celiacs have trouble, but hers seemed to look pretty good. The esophagus was another story.

We go see the doctor on St.Patrick's day to get the biopsy results. (That's also the day I find out if I can start walking again.)

In the meantime, Eden is still not eating very well, or drinking enough fluids, so we could still use prayer for that.

I've been reminding myself about the 'good cheer' verse, because I keep slipping into depression. My soul is so dark at seeing Eden losing weight and not eating. And nothing I say or do can get food or drink in her. And then I step into my kitchen, where EVERY time I go in there, I find something else that is wooden or plastic that I have to get rid of. (Yes, Tricia, I found out gluten doesn't wash out of those things. But now I know why she still had gluten in her diet.)

There have been many blessings throughout this though. My friend Kirstin stopped by last night, brought Eden a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and picked up a MOUNTAIN of kitchen goods that I have to toss. She priced them all for me and is selling them in a yardsale for me. She is doing all the work, and I can't even say what a blessing that is. The money she raises will go to start replacing some of that stuff.

Didn't intend to write this much! Ha!!! I never do!!! Off to try to get Eden to eat something.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Just wanted to give a brief update on Eden.

Last week was horrible. I was supposed to make sure she was getting 3 meals a day AND drinking at least 4 Ensure Pluses a day. Thursday she got down a small bowl of cereal and then couldn't eat for the rest of the day. Same thing Friday. Knowing that she's losing weight and won't eat, makes me struggle with how to approach it all. Would a good mom force feed her kid? I don't think that's the answer, but then what is? For now, we pray and wait on God.

I called her doctor on Friday and they are going to contact her cardiologist for clearance to put her under a general. If they get the clearance, she will go in this Thursday up at Phoenix Baptist Hopsital for the upper GI. I was assured that the pediatric anesthesiologist they use is extremely good and works with VERY sick children all the time. I was glad to hear that.

I praise God for his promise in Hebrews that He will never leave us or forsake us. I know we are not going through this alone.

I was so terrified when she wouldn't eat, but yesterday was a much better day. She ate 3 small meals and drank 3 Ensure Pluses. This was a HUGE improvement, and very encouraging. Still short of where she should be, but yesterday was pretty close. I'm hoping she will continue to improve in this area.

The Lord is blessing us throughout this in mighty ways. I had a Pampered Chef party last week so that I could get a discount to replace part of my kitchen stuff. The most humbling, awesome, encouraging thing happened at that party. After everyone left, Stephanie showed me what everyone ordered. Every single person that came ordered something for ME, almost $300 worth of stuff for me. I am so blown away, and so moved. I just figured as people bought stuff for themselves I would earn discounts and credits for my own order. I was shocked and so grateful. What an incredible group of friends I have, and what a blessing from my Saviour. It was a truly beautiful surprise!

I was especially grateful for all the great PC stuff, as I found out I also have to throw out all of my tupperware, plastic, colanders, rolling pins, etc. Its really something to stand in my kitchen and look around at what I've accumulated over 20 years of marriage, to think about how I started with nothing in there, and now I throw it all out and start all over again, just like a newlywed. Its a bit overwhelming, but at least now I have my answer as to where Eden was still getting gluten in her diet, even though we were eating gluten-free.

My friend Kirstin is going to host a yard sale at her house so that I can sell all of this stuff. I tried to give it to friends, but they all insisted I sell it for cash for new stuff. For now most of it is piled up on the bed in the guest room. My mom is going to come over today and help me pack up the rest of it and then reorganize my kitchen. My mom is the organization queen. I have always helped my friends paint their houses, my mom has always helped her friends organize. Thank God for her!!! :)

Thank you for your continued prayers. I'll update as I can.

Love, hugs, and thank yous,